Both Server Now Live Finally!

After a long couple months both servers are now back up and running. There are some small things i've yet to finish like:

-NSS Main Webmap is non functional
-NSS Main ui has broken links & Misaligned UI
-NSS Main is missing the discovery bonuses for traders
-NSS Main has not had it's webmap markers added (reset zones, traders, etc)
-NSS Main & NSS DID have had my new block protection buffs pulled for the time being (ran into a last minute issue that will take some time to fix, so just pulled it for now)

I'm going to take a much needed break over the weekend and hang out on the servers. Come monday i'll get my head back down and finish off the last of those minor issues. Hope you all enjoy the servers details bellow have fun!

Server Name: Naza’s Insane Survival Server [PVE|UK|24/7]
Server IP/Domain:
Server: Map
Optional Files: Download

Server Name: Naza's Survivors Dead Is Dead Nightmare [PVE|UK|24/7] 
Server IP/Domain:
Server: Map
Optional Files: Download


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