
Want to help Naza's Survivors Servers? If your a regular on the server consider donating to help support the server. The money will be used to help with the costs of running the servers and just general upkeep of running them. It all adds up pretty quickly.

I have been taking the cost on the chin since before launch and will continue to keep the servers up off my own back but it would still be a huge help to get some assistance. you can donate one time or choose one of the monthly offers that you can cancel anytime (button On The Bottom). Thank You For Playing On Naza's Survival Servers. =)

One Time Donation Rewards:
Depending on the amount i will round it down to the nearest monthly offer and give you most of those bonuses for a month.
so if you donated £1-4 you would get most of the contributor bonuses for a month
or if you donated £6-9 you would get most of the Donner bonuses for a month .etc

Also please read the terms and conditions before donating to understand how i handle donations
Thank you.

Contributor £2/Month Receive:
-Set to the Survivor role in discord
-Orange name colour in game
-Get Your Own Personal Trader Of Your Choice
-Get Your Own Player Jobs Board In The Player Traders Area
-Get Your Own Personal Quarters (58 Available) Aboard The Server Hub
-Option To Have Your Name Included In The Donor Wall In The Server Lobby & At The Bottom Of The Server Donate Page.
-Plus More To Come In The Future

Donner £5/Month Receive:
-Set To The Veteran Survivor Role In Discord
-Blue name colour in game
-Get Your 2 Personal Traders Of Your Choice
-Get 2 Player Jobs Board In The Player Traders Area
-Get Your Own Personal Quarters With A View (24 Available) Aboard The Server Hub
-Get Your Own Player Store  (20 Available) In The Server Hub
-Option To Have Your Name Included In The Donor Wall In The Server Lobby & At The Bottom Of The Server Donate Page.
-Plus More To Come In The Future

Sponsor £10/Month Receive:
-Set To The VIP Role In Discord
-Access To The Private VIP Lounge Text & Voice Channels In Discord
-Pink Name Colour In Game
-Get Your 3 Personal Traders Of Your Choice
-Get 3 Player Jobs Board In The Player Traders Area
-Get Your Own Personal VIP Quarters (12 Available) Aboard The Server Hub
-Get Your Own VIP Player Store  (10 Available) In The Server Hub
-Option To Have Your Name Included In The Donor Wall In The Server Lobby & At The Bottom Of The Server Donate Page.
-Get A Server Reservation So Even If The Server Is Full You Can Still Join (Since I Will Only Have as Many Of These As Server Player Slots To Offer It's First Come First Serve (28 Available)
-Plus More To Come In The Future 

                                                                       Subscription Options
Server Supporters

One Time Donors

Contributors             Donors                    Sponsors

Terms & Conditions

I support the Fun Pimps Terms of Service and am very much against impediment any monetary features that bastardize 7DTD into a pay to win game. With that said and per the terms of use this is not a store, this isn't a page offering paid services. The tiered rewards are just that, rewards for contributing to the running costs of the server. If you donate you should be donating for that reason, not to obtain any services as there is no right to service. I can offer you the listed bonuses as a thank you for contributing, however I'm under no obligation too do so. Please don't donate with an expectation of service. I typically always thank players who donate and ask if they want any of the bonus's. If you donate and start making demands, understand i don't have to give you anything.

Donating any amount will NOT get you admin privileges, Supporting the server does not mean your allowed to cheat you will simply be banned and if your a monthly subscriber your subscription will be cancelled and you will not receive a refund for the remaining time. If you would like to cancel half way through a month you will be refunded the remaining time in the month (example if you are a sponsor and cancel on the 15th you will get a £5 refund), supporting the server does not mean you are exempt from the server rules be respectful to other players and follow the rules you can still get banned/temp banned depending on what you did. The rewards are at my discretion and may need to be changed, modified or added to, they are not set in stone.  

All of the tiers have a 30 day expiry period. However i would only really enforce it if there was no more available rewards for new donators. We're a small server typically i leave players with their rewards for the life of the server or an update requires a wipe.


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