
Showing posts from November, 2019

Server Update Notes

The Server has now been updated to A18.1. I have also manually spawned skyscraper buildings in each of large cities (One of Each Type, Per City) & 1 in each smaller settlement. These large prefabs currently don't spawn in A18 and a fix would require a new map so i decided to just do it manually. So there are now 37 total on the map. I have also updated the public Webmap with all know traders and the carrier poi and finished the mods i talked about a couple posts back for reference i'll add them bellow ;) Recipes -Beaker (Forge) -Glue (Chemistry Station) Items -Night Vision Goggles have the same xp boost as Nerdy Glasses -Storage Pocket Mods Adjusted to Larger UI Perks/Progression -Base Encumbrance Adjusted to Larger UI -Pack Mule Perk Adjusted to Larger UI

Aircraft Carrier POI Released

Super Aircraft Carrier POI (Manual Placement) Pack Includes -Carrier Itself with 2 versions to choose from, 1 being a single prefab the other 2 prefabs -Multiple options for spawning the carrier explained in detail -A pre done generated world with each of the 2 carriers already done for you -Excessive information on everything aircraft carrier. Links to videos,screenshots. Details about the carrier stats/trivia -A "fablets" pack containing many of the carriers mini prefabs, jet,choppers,vehicles,reactor,munitions. free to use for anything you want -Benchmark data on performance inside the carrier with extensive findings,settings recommendations and tips to improve performance Hope you Enjoy:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: *Note on a server clients must have the prefab files installed.