Server Update Notes

The Server has now been updated to A18.1. I have also manually spawned skyscraper buildings in each of large cities (One of Each Type, Per City) & 1 in each smaller settlement. These large prefabs currently don't spawn in A18 and a fix would require a new map so i decided to just do it manually. So there are now 37 total on the map.

I have also updated the public Webmap with all know traders and the carrier poi and finished the mods i talked about a couple posts back for reference i'll add them bellow ;)

-Beaker (Forge)
-Glue (Chemistry Station)

-Night Vision Goggles have the same xp boost as Nerdy Glasses
-Storage Pocket Mods Adjusted to Larger UI

-Base Encumbrance Adjusted to Larger UI
-Pack Mule Perk Adjusted to Larger UI


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