Returning Changes & No Mod Install Needed For Bigger Backpack

By now i have everything pretty much setup. Just waiting on my isp getting there shit together then i can launch the experimental server. In the meantime I've been doing some internal testing. The bigger backpack mod will be returning and this time no install is needed, it's all pushed to clients from the server so we can have a eac protected server so 2 bits of good news there. I'll also balance the "encumbrance" myself as the mod leaves it stock which leaves a tiny amount of slots which would make you encumbered which makes the pack mule perk completely redundant. I'll just match the vanilla Ratio but since it will have more slots you will probably have much more space in the beginning compared to maxed out pack mule vanilla. Also some of my Alpha 16 tweaks will be returning such as: -New Recipe Empty Can -New Recipes Beaker -Additional Glue Recipe -Raw Iron Stack Size Changed From 1200 To 6000


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