Server Update 01/01/20 Server Hub Now Available

Happy New Year everyone! let's start the new year off with some sweet features and content ;) This update the Server Hub is finally ready with a new unique "choose your own starting spawn" feature for new players, NPC & player stores plus much much more ;) There are also some new mods and tweaks, lots of awesome stuff so lets go thought it all.

Server Hub

The Server Hub is a huge aircraft carrier prefab that's been retrofitted to serve this purpose. It floats in the water without collapsing (like a real ship should) and can be reached several ways, first the 2 obvious methods can be done, swimming and flying the Gyrocopter there but it's a bit out of the way so i don't imagine many people will do choose those options haha. So there is a teleport location set up, simply type "#tele hub" and you will be teleported there (Make sure you have set up a "home Teleport to get back easier) or you can use the teleport portal that link to points along the shore of the map.

These portals are now used by new players to choose a starting spawn but anyone can use them. New players will now spawn on the carrier and be directed to the portals which in this case are "Landing Craft" you simply climb aboard and whoosh you appear on another landing craft on the shore of your chosen location.

The Server Hub also houses many services,information and utilities

-NPC Traders
The Hub has 6 NPC Traders all in one convenient location.

-Player Stores
These stores are owned by the server supporters on the server and you can buy (if there is anything in their vending machines) or sell any item to them that they're advertising for on their "buying" boards.

-Player Vending Machines
These are just the same as the ones in normal traders but lots of them, all in one place for everyone's convenience. They are also safe to use (In case of a region reset) Everyone can own these but 1 per player.

-Player Job's Board
Here Server Supporters can advertise jobs to other players, if they hate mining for example they could offer to pay Dukes for Resources.

-Machine Shop
This area has some Workbenches,Chemistry Stations, Forges, Campfires and Cement Mixers. If you're starting out and can't find or craft them you can use them at the Hub. Just keep in mind that anyone can take items from them, so don't forget to take anything you've made in them.

-VIP & Crew Quarters
These don't really serve a practical purpose other than a nice bonus for Supporters. Supporters get their own Quarters on the Carrier with some safe storage immune to players/zombies or cave ins :P

-Information Boards
These are just big... well information boards. They have info for new players Discord, Webmap, how to choose your spawn etc also server rules and useful info, common chat commands etc


-Webmap updated with new images for the Hub and new markers for the portals locations.
-Welcome Screen and UI image Updated
-Map's spawn points removed and 1 single spawn added for new players on the Server Hub
-Server Hub Location Added To Public Teleports #tele hub
-New players can choose their starting spawn
-Portals added Across the shores of the map
-Large Book Store POI added to every city
-Small Book Store POI added to towns


-Solar Fuel - Craftable Solar Banks & Cells 
Solar Cells Crafted In the Workbench 20 Electrical parts, 1 Bullet Proof Glass and 6 Forged Steel.
Solar Bank Crafted In the Workbench 50 Electrical parts, 24 Forged Steel.

-Mr Tastix Recipe Modlets Craftable Electrical parts, Acid, Springs and Mechanical Parts
Electrical parts Crafted In the Workbench 1 Forged Iron , 1 Duck Tape
Acid Crafted In the Chemistry Station 5 Potassium Nitrate, 5 Coal and 1 Boiled Water
Springs Crafted In the Workbench 1 Forged Iron
Mechanical Parts Crafted In the Workbench 2 Forged Iron, 1 Duck Tape

-Tier 6 Crafting - Tier 6 Crafting is now unlocked at maximum perk 5
example level 5 Gunslinger = Tier 6 crafting


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