Current & Future Plans For Nazy's Survivors

A18E is now publicly available and it seems to be a more promising alpha than A17 was. I don't have any plans to host a server for a18E, instead i'm going to wait until stable. I've started a gameplay series on the new carrier a few weeks back if you didn't catch it you can find it below and in the server videos tab. I'm going to finish the series over the next week or 2 and start converting the carrier to a18 after that. With any luck the series will be finished and the carrier poi will be on the nexus for everyone by the time stable lands.

Also a side note the legacy server has been down for a couple days. The server ran of old drives that were bound to fail sooner rather than later however i knew this beforehand (They were spare drives, might as well use them up ;)) and have backup so nothing is lost and it will be back online in a day or 2.

Aircraft Carrier Gameplay Series


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