
Showing posts from October, 2019

A18 Server Now Transferred Now 30 Slots

The main server has now been transferred to our new provider and we have 30 slots. I was going to go for 35 but it seems 30+ is the limit until things start getting too hairy on the server so 30 it is ;) details bellow. A18.0 Server Server Name: Nazy's Survivors A18.0 Server |PVE|UK|24/7|Simpleui| Server IP/Domain: Server Port: 26910 Server Map:

Returning & Additional Changes

Got some awesome stuff including my new supercarrier poi. Some of the new mods aren't finished yet so i'll leave everything that's not setup/working yet underlined and try to find some time to get them all ready. Returning Changes -Simple UI Plus (no Client Install Needed) -Public Modded Web Map -CSMM Player Commands (now Available) -Botman -Raw Iron Stack Size Changed From 1200 To 6000 Recipes -Empty Can(Part Of Base Game Now) -Beaker -Glue Items -Night Vision Goggles have the same xp boost as Nerdy Glasses -Storage Pocket Mods Adjusted to Larger UI Perks/Progression -Base Encumbrance Adjusted to Larger UI -Pack Mule Perk Adjusted to Larger UI Custom Prefabs -Super Aircraft Carrier POI Now ingame in the snow biome  ;) -Super Aircraft Carrier Server Hub :wink:(Spawned and has trader protection, no tp's yet and signs are empty atm)

A18 Server Now Available

Sorry for the delay. My current host Provider hung me out to dry when stable launched, so i've had to scramble to get something together. So i'm currently hosting the server until i can sort out another provider,so until then best i can do is 6-8 slots. So as i set things up and sort out another host the server data will get transferred and we will have 35 (30*) slots but until then details on the server are below (server now transferred) A18.0 Server (updated) Server Name: Nazy's Survivors A18.0 Server |PVE|UK|24/7|Simpleui| Server IP/Domain: Server Port:  26910 Server Map:

Legacy Server Back Online

Took me a little longer than i'd like but the legacy A16 server is back up. I took the time to do some maintenance on the actual machine and decided to use linux as a host os and run windows in a virtual machine. This way i can take advantage of linux's superior software raid setup and have the familiarity of windows to host the server. Also as a side note the carrier poi is now converted and i'm in the process of refitting it with A18's new blocks ;)

Current & Future Plans For Nazy's Survivors

A18E is now publicly available and it seems to be a more promising alpha than A17 was. I don't have any plans to host a server for a18E, instead i'm going to wait until stable. I've started a gameplay series on the new carrier a few weeks back if you didn't catch it you can find it below and in the server videos tab. I'm going to finish the series over the next week or 2 and start converting the carrier to a18 after that. With any luck the series will be finished and the carrier poi will be on the nexus for everyone by the time stable lands. Also a side note the legacy server has been down for a couple days. The server ran of old drives that were bound to fail sooner rather than later however i knew this beforehand (They were spare drives, might as well use them up ;)) and have backup so nothing is lost and it will be back online in a day or 2. Aircraft Carrier Gameplay Series

Server Down Time This Weekend + Exciting News

N.S.S Horde Mode Returns server will be going offline tomorrow and will be unavailable until Monday. However Alpha 18 experimental should be publicly available on Monday and i'm happy to announce we will be hosting a server for Youtuber Kornelius Briedis for the streamer weekend. Keep an eye on his channel tomorrow evening for his stream, i may even make an appearance ;)