Over the last few weeks i've been working on a PVE Arena for the server. So the quick version of how it works is simple, go there by normal means or type "/arena" in chat to tp there. Once there you choose your challenge (commands on signs inside) and go into the combat area and type the chosen command to fight waves of zeds. Once completed you'll get an airdrop inside the arena as a reward. Servers prefab files have been updated to include the new arena, You can get the updated files here . The Arena Itself The arena sits on a foundation with tunnels under it for passing zeds or screamers. Players can enter either by tp or climbing the ladders and going through the doors. Players cannot go inside the tunnels only zombies/animals. inside the arena there are 4 traders you can use to replenish your ammo,healing supplies or sell unwanted loot. There are also signs with brief instructions and commands. players can either fight or spectate friends by going up stairs...