Server Update 23/12/19
A few things have changed. We now have reset regions, new book store poi's in the towns and city's and several other minor changes on the Webmap + some ground work done on the Server Hub and some player commands to help find lost vehicles. Reset Regions These are regions of the map that will "reset" every Thursday 06:00 (GMT). They can be found in the city's and towns and viewed on the webmap . When you enter/exit them you will be get a message letting you know. Land claims cannot be placed inside and will simply be automatically removed and put back into the players inventory. You can still put frames, chests etc inside them however it's at your own risk these areas will be reset to the way they were on day 1 every week so make sure you have everything you want to keep out before it wipes or use a chest outside the zone for looting. This has been a long overdue quality of life change (mostly for me :P) now looting areas will always be fresh and i won't...